If this isn’t one of your FAQs simply contact us!

Q. What is SFArtsED?

A. We’re a nonprofit bringing creativity and sparking imagination to education inside San Francisco public schools since 1968. We bring Artists to kids for experiential, participatory learning through the arts. See Who We Are for more about how we’ve reached more than 200,000 city kids. Or read about what parents, students and educators have to say about us in Testimonials.

Q. Which San Francisco elementary and middles schools offer SFArtsED programs?

A. We’re proud to say that from a single school more than 40 years ago we’re now present in more than 20 schools today, taking arts and the educational transforms it brings to more than 7,500 kids last year alone.

Q. As a parent, teacher, principal or artist coordinator how can I bring SFArtsED into my school?

A. We now actively engage with over 20 schools within the San Francisco Unified School District and we’d like to hear from you if you’re interested in becoming a part of our participatory and igniting arts learning. Contact Camille Olivier-Salmon at camille.s@sfartsed.org  or call her at 415.551.7990.

Q. How is SFArtsED funded?

A. We are funded when private citizens, corporations, local and state public funding agencies and private foundations support us. We also benefit from the San Francisco Unified School District, which gives us the largest total dollar amount of any arts association in the City. Parents’ organizations in many schools help fund our efforts on behalf of their kids. Some funds are also provided from organizations associated with the arts. Our staff is lean and works with goal of every student we serve in mind.

Q. What are your programs?

A. Artists-in-Residence work on visual and performing arts projects in more than 20 elementary and middle schools in every corner of our city. SFArtsED Players is a dynamic musical troupe rehearsing and performing throughout the school year. There is also an after-school programs at Glen Park Elementary. And SFArtsED Summer engages kids in everything from cabaret to cartooning to clowning each year. We also partner with the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts (SOTA) Technical Theater Program. See Our Programs for more exciting and enlightening details!

Q. How do I sign my child up for SFArtsED Summer?

A. We’ll let you know when you can sign up online, call us or mail an application as the season approaches. And payment can be either sent with a check or arranged for via credit card and PayPal online. Visit our SFArtsED Summer website for more information.